When it comes to keeping Automobile insurance affordable, it’s best to avoid accidents. To do that, you need to maintain the best level of attention on the road and on your vehicle. However, distraction is a big factor in why accidents happen. In fact, the US Government's Distracted Driving site says that 3,154 people were killed in auto accidents in 2013 as a result of distracted driving.
That's a significant reason for putting down your phone and paying attention to what's happening on the road. Whether you are a parent teaching your child or just looking for ways to improve your attention while driving, these tips can help keep you focused where you should be.
How Can You Be a Safer Driver?

To avoid distracted driving, consider these simple steps you can take to significantly reduce your risks behind the wheel.
Place your cell phone in your purse or in the glove box when you get into the vehicle. By putting it out of your reach, you are less likely to answer it. Turn off the ringer on your phone as well.
Upgrade your vehicle to one that offers hands-free voice commands. This can help you to make calls (in emergencies) or even change the radio station without taking your hands off the wheel.
Avoid eating and drinking in your car. These are big factors in distracted driving. Trying to balance your food and drive is not easy to do and accidents do happen as a result.
If you are planning a trip, put down the map. Instead, use a navigation system. If your vehicle does not have one, purchase a device that you can place in your vehicle. Again, choose a voice command product for the very best results.
Don't watch videos in the vehicle. Many of today's vehicles have DVD players and other mobile devices. Ensure these items are in the backseat and out of your line of sight.
By taking these steps, you'll reduce the risk of causing an accident. You can also keep your auto insurance rates lower by not being involved in an accident. Car insurance costs for accidents related to distracted driving can be very expensive.
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